
5 Carpet Cleaning Tips for Christmas

Posted on: 26th November 2015
Christmas can be a hard time on your carpet. You can spend an hour tidying and hoovering so that everything looks sparkling for your guests and, within two minutes, those same guests will come traipsing in without stamping the snow from their boots. Drops of port sloshing over the sides of clinked glasses puts fear into the heart of any carpet-respecting host. Even the tree starts dropping its spiky needles without so much as a ‘by your leave’. Fear not, we’ve got some carpet cleaning tips for you this Christmas.

1. Enforce a shoes off policy. No exceptions, everyone leaves their boots at the door. Let’s see all those festive socks.

2. Pour salt on spilled red wine. The salt will immediately start to absorb the wine, you will see it turn pink. Leave overnight, then hoover. Afterwards, scrub all affected areas gently with a soapy cloth.

3. Do not pour white wine on spilled red wine. We don’t know who started this pernicious rumour, but all it will achieve is a diminishment of your wine stocks and that is the last thing you need at Christmas.

4. Lay festive paper on the floor around your tree. Sheets of wrapping paper or red crepe paper will look decorative and catch all those falling needles.

5. Do the Shake and Vac. When all the fun is over, pull all the furniture out of the room and treat your carpet to a full clean. Carpet cleaning powders or a carpet shampoo will give your carpet a whole new lease of life. 

We very much hope these tips will help you muddle through this festive season and avoid panic when the port comes out. If you are looking for a new carpet or maybe one of our moppable vinyl or wooden floors, don’t hesitate to contact us on 01603 879359. We’ll be installing carpets and floors right up to Christmas.