
Top Tips for Carpet Stain Removal

Posted on: 5th December 2014

The festive season is soon approaching which means for most of us lots of friends and family bombarding our house with Christmas cheer, lots of presents…and unfortunately the occasional spillage.

It is very common throughout Christmas for spillages on your carpet to occur. Your grandma may have had one glass of red wine too many and knocked her glass over on your nice cream carpet, disaster! Fear not though, we have the most important tips for you this season to help you get through these carpet dilemmas:

Red Wine
There has always been this myth that if you apply white wine to a red wine stain, well, that just doesn't work! It's a waste of time and a waste of wine. It will only create a bigger stain resulting in you getting nowhere. The best thing to do is to blot the liquid with a kitchen towel as soon as you can. Under no circumstances rub or scrub the carpet, you'll just spread the stain. Pour a small amount of water and blot again, don't be afraid to use a whole roll, the sooner you get the liquid out the smaller the potential stain. Make a baking soda paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water and apply directly to the stain. Allow this to dry and then vacuum it up, then if you have any, apply a carpet stain remover.

Chocolate is probably one of the most popular things that gets eaten over the Christmas period and so it's likely that your children or even your clumsy husband will drop or smear chocolate on the carpet! It has been known that if you dab sparkling water to the stain, it will remove the chocolate…absolute rubbish! Sparkling water is not powerful enough to remove such a stubborn stain. What you need to do is get a knife or a spoon and remove as much chocolate as you can without spreading more chocolate on the carpet. Once this is done rub in some soap to the area and dab it with a damp cloth to break up the stain, then try and grab some stain remover when you can to finish the job.

After you have successfully over indulged in your yummy Christmas dinner, there's always space for a little bit of Christmas pudding and a nice cup of coffee. However, there is someone who will somehow trip over the dog or lose their footing after one too many Sherries and drop their freshly brewed coffee onto the carpet! This can be easily resolved by blotting the spilled coffee with a paper towel and try and get rid of any excess liquid, but do not scrub the stain. Once this has been achieved, gently rub the stain with a sponge in a circular motion. If this solution isn't working for you, vinegar is a good stain remover. Try applying some vinegar and some lukewarm water to the stain using a sponge.

We hope these tips will help you through the festive season and bring you a little relief to your already stressful and extremely busy Christmas schedule, happy holidays!

If you are looking for a new carpet or alternative flooring, please feel free to contact us on 01603 879359.

A Red Wine Stain On A Carpet