
5 Tips for Keeping Your Floor Pristine With a Christmas Tree

Posted on: 1st December 2015

When do you set up your Christmas tree? Traditionally, the tree and decorations go up on Christmas Eve and stay up for twelve days - but we doubt your kids will let you get away with that! Increasingly, the first weekend of December seems to be the time that a lot of people start feeling festive. Whenever you choose to do it, make sure you keep your floor in top condition by following our five handy tips.

1. Don’t Drag It In

Get someone to help you carry the tree in from the car. Dragging it through the house is only going to spread unwanted mud and needles everywhere. You might even scratch a wooden floor. Transporting a Christmas tree is a two-man job!

2. Don’t Overwater

A regular dose of water will keep those pine needles looking green, but you don’t want water soaking your carpet and underlay. Keep it in the pot!

3. Keep Pets Away

Cats love swiping at baubles and dogs love to eat the hanging chocolate treats. Either action can cause a calamity for your carpet in the shape of a toppled tree!

4. Lay Festive Paper Down

Lay old wrapping paper or festive red crepe paper around the base of your tree. Not only does it look pretty, but it also helps protect your carpet from falling needles.

5. Good Things Come in Small Packages

A whacking great pot full of compost with a twenty kilogram tree sitting it is a heavy item to have sitting on your carpet for a month. Small is also beautiful.

If you would like help or advice about the best way to care for your flooring at Christmas or any other time of year, do not hesitate to contact us. And don’t forget – it’s not too late to get a new floor in for the festive season! Visit us at our showroom at Shepherds Business Park in Norwich or give us a call on 01603 879359.